How To Program Someone Subconscious Mind

Subconscious Mind Programming

6 min readNov 12, 2024

Before i tell you how to program someone’s subconscious mind you first need to know what are conscious filters

conscious filters are like a gatekeeper that stands between the statements a person is receiving and their minds, the conscious filters act as a gatekeeper that prevents certain things from coming in inside the mind.

For example if i told you that i can fly probably you are not going to believe me because your conscious filters the part responsible for logic in your mind filters what i said and told you that i am not saying something that has a meaning in other words your conscious filters remove the statement before it reached the mind

now what if you manage to bypass someone's conscious filters and send information directly to the subconscious mind and this is exactly what subconscious mind

programming is all about so there are lots of ways in which you can bypass someone's conscious filters and

1. Showing That You’re Expert

The first way is showing the person that you are an expert on a topic in any possible way giving any kind of proof that shows that you are an expert on a topic once a person believes that you are an expert on a topic their conscious filters become less active and so it becomes easier to program them you can also achieve the same exact thing by showing a person that you have lots of experience about a specific topic if the person believed you and realized that you have lots of experience their conscious filters will become weak as well and so programming them will become easier.

2. Impressing The Others

When it comes to that topic now what if you are not an expert and you do not have an experience about a specific topic but you want to bypass a person’s conscious filters you can still do that by impressing a person.

as soon as you impress a person in any possible way the conscious filters of the person become a little bit weak for a certain extent for a certain period of time during that time you can program the person’s subconscious mind you know when somebody told you something that really impresses you and so you start listening to that person with extra care this is exactly the moment i’m talking about this is exactly the moment where the conscious filters become weak so that programming the mind becomes much easier also.

3. Using The Social Proof:

There is a 3rd method for bypassing a person’s conscious filters which is using social proof showing the person that you are supported by the masses you know when you see somebody on instagram having let’s say 100k followers and you immediately think that this person is a bit famous or that they are famous this is exactly the power of social proof once you see somebody followed by a large number of people you believe that the person is famous now when it comes to real life examples showing other people that you are supported by other people can give credit to what you are saying and can weaken the conscious filters for example i tell you something and a friend supports me and another friend supports me and everybody says the same thing that i’m saying and suddenly the person conscious filters becomes weak because they believe that you are supported by the masses and then no matter who they are they will start to believe in you.

4. The Magic of Repeatition:

Another method to program someone’s mind is through repetition but i am not referring to affirmations and i’m not referring to repeating the same statement over and over and over although this can be effective to a certain extent it’s still weak compared to the other methods and the best way to program someone’s mind through repetition is to send them the same piece of information through different sources for example you say a fact to a person and then you show them a scientific article that says the same fact and then you show them a study that says the same exact thing with this regard who wrote the article or who made the study showing a person things through different sources makes it much easier for you to program their minds as it weakens their conscious filters.

in addition to that you can also get the support of other friends who can repeat the same thing that you are seeing in a different way and then the person's mind would be programmed so you are programming the person by repeating a statement across various domains in various ways so that the message goes directly to their subconscious mind and that's the second way to program someone's mind which is repetition.

5. Distraction (TV Commercials)

Finally the most powerful method to program someone’s mind is through distraction you distract the conscious filters so that the conscious filters become busy doing something else and the road to the subconscious mind becomes open do you know when you watch a tv show and then all of a sudden it stops.

A tv commercial appears the commercial was put in here because the people who made the commercial know that your mind is now busy with the show your mind is now busy thinking about your favorite character your mind is too busy and the conscious filters are too busy thinking about something else and so the road to programming the mind becomes easy this is why tv commercials are put in that place so that you can actually absorb them while thinking about something else.

and you can do the same exact effect by distracting the person’s subconscious mind by giving them a story that is not complete or by promising to tell them something that they find exciting like for example you know for sure that somebody wants to know something so you tell them that you’re gonna tell them about that thing such as a secret that they really want to know but you’re gonna tell it after five minutes and during those five minutes you can easily program the person’s mind by saying whatever that you want because the person’s conscious filters will be busy thinking about the secret or whatever that you want to say so this is the third method of programming a person’s mind which is distracting them in a way or another so that the guard or the gatekeeper becomes unavailable and so it becomes easy to get directly to their subconscious minds.

You can master reading people like a book from their facial features, body language, the way they walk, the way they talk, their tone of voice, their clothes, their belongings and everything that they do. Read their minds as if you’re seeing inside it using psychology and not pseudoscience.

Find Out The Ultimate Guide To Reading People Like A Book

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Written by Alphax111

"Dedicated Good Life Enthusiast sharing the keys to a vibrant life. Happiness and Fitness isn't a fad; it's a lifestyle. Join the journey to live fit & happy

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