How To Spot Narcissists From Their Social Media Profiles
5 signs that can help you spot a narcissist from the posts and their profiles on social media
1. The First Sign:
you would usually find on the profile of a narcissist is a long about section you know those sections that people use to describe themselves for a narcissist they think that they are too great to describe themselves in one or few words so they usually write a long about section and this is something that is common among very narcissists they just think that they are too good to be described in very few words and as a result they end up saying a lot about themselves and about their achievements in their About section
2. Sign Number Two:
narcissists usually post a lot more than normal people and I’m not talking about the kind of narcissist that does not use social media of course that’s the exception not the rule but if the narcissist uses social media and most narcissists would be like that it will always post many more posts than normal people in simple words a narcissist always needs some kind of a narcissistic supply whereas they need to find that people are praising them appreciating them and telling them directly or indirectly how great they are and so they use posting as one of the methods to get this narcissistic supply.
3. Sign Number Three:
narcissists will usually have many more friends than the normal person you know those people who have lots and lots and lots of friends on social media it might be a narcissistic sign and this happens for many reasons one reason could be that narcissists usually go for shallow relationships and so they might have so many shallow relationships to add in their lives this can also happen for the narcissistic supply because the more praise the narcissist gets the more approval the narcissist gets the more they feel good about themselves also most narcissists or the majority of them are usually extroverts and as a result they end up knowing more people yes of course there can be an introverted narcissist but the majority of narcissists are usually going to be extroverted.
4. Sign Number Four:
narcissists usually makes so many self promoting posts in other words narcissists always want to show people how we are and how amazing they are and how big their achievements are so they keep posting and posting and posting self-promoting pictures and self-promoting posts of course that tell people how great they are also a part of self-promotion is done indirectly the narcissist will usually make many posts that put people down or put groups of people down and by putting people down the narcissist is simply putting themselves above others when I put a group of people down this means that I am above them so you will usually find posts such as those people who work in the blah blah industry do not have an idea about what they are doing so the narcissist won't be seen like you're attacking a group of people they are indirectly alleviating their own value by saying that they are great indirectly of course and better than that group of people they are attacking.
5. Sign Number Five:
narcissists usually use a lot of personal pronouns so you will find the posts usually containing the world's I me and things like that so the post would be something like I am terribly unhappy because of what of those group of people do they do not have an idea about what we are doing and things like that posts that use a lot of personal pronouns and in the same time put people down our typical posts that you are going to find on the narcissistic person's profile so those were five signs how to spot narcissists on social media.
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